Master éxecutif Industrial /Organizational Psychology (IOp) (Octobre 2023)
- Date : Octobre 2024
The Mohammed VI University of Health Sciences (UM6SS) launches, for the first time in Morocco, the International Master in Industrial / Organizational Psychology. This program will be animated by imminent national and international specialists.
The unstable global economy put multinational and local companies at real stake of fierce competition. Manpower management is one big issue. An efficient barometer diagnosing the good conditions of behavioral and technical health of human capital in companies becomes a must. This International Master in Industrial / Organizational Psychology (IIOP) being based on American and international expertise is timely and will address CEO and executives Human Resource issues. It deals with human capital concerns and is instrumental in helping businesses becoming more effective and profitable, as well as improving employees’ wellbeing and performance. It also ensures the stability of the enterprise personnel. It is a combination of courses combining the disciplines of psychology and organizations / industries in heath and other sectors. The training provides research-based learning that prepares learners (professionals & students) to invest and apply the principles of psychology to organizational and leadership challenges mainly by building communities through development of trust in a context of temporal, geographical and cultural complexity internationally interacting. |
The duration of the training is subject to the completion of twenty modules taught during the weekends. The teaching is provided as seminars and practical lessons.
Supporting documents will be available for each training. The program is also intended to be taught online for long distance candidates
Human Resources in all sectors, Executives, managers, middle managers or supervisors of public, semi-public sectors or local units or multinationals, Consultants/Consulting cabinets/Firms, Trainers/Training Firms, Recruitment or Outplacement personnel/Firms, Recruitment Officer, Training Officer, Training Manager, Chargé de missions in Human Resources, Career Manager, Assistant to the Human Resources Director, Multimedia training designer in online and / or offline training consulting companies, Assistant advisor to CEO (measuring the impact of decisions on staff), digital marketing officers, social networks personnel and any one interested in bringing his behavioral sciences skills to international assessment standards.
90 000 Dh
M1 Introduction To Industrial/organizational Psychology | M2 Philosophy of work, Globalization, Competition & markets challenges | M3 Human Performance, Assessment, And Feedback Executive Coaching | M4 Work Motivation, Job Attitudes, Performance management | M5 Organizational Theory, Development and Change |
M6 Talent Management / Leadership / Consumer and Employee Attitudes | M7 Developmental Psychology | M8 Communication Strategies, Systems, and Skills | M9 Occupational stress and psychopathology | M10 Positive & Cognitive Psychology |
M11 Talent Selection and Recruitment | M12 Social Responsibility Action Plan | M13 Personality theories / Personnel Psychology | M14 Social Accompaniment, Special needs, Sickness and geriatrics in Organizations | M15 Ethics And Professional Issues |
M16 Group Dynamics Training: Theory, Design, and Evaluation | M17 Multicultural and Cross-Cultural Issues in I-O Psychology | M18 Psychometrics / Profiling, Assessment measures and recruitment tests | M19 Consulting | M20 Research Methods / Decisional Statistics/ Professional Project (Defense) |
Animators | Background |
B. Touri | PhD in Psychology, Fubrighter/CARG Laboratory from University of Texas at Austin, Professor & Consultant |
C. Carlson | PhD in Psychology, University of Texas at Austin, APA, Professor, chair & Practitioner, USA |
M. A. Swizzou | PhD in Psychology from Harvard University, , Professor, USA |
C. McCarthy | PhD in Psychometrics, University of Texas at Austin, Professor USA |
C. Boelen | Dr in Public Health, World leader in social responsibility, international consultant in health systems and personnel and former WHO coordinator |
J. Barrier | Professor Emeretus, Internal Medicine Specialist, Senior State Responsibilities, WHO Consultant |
F. Dehbi | Physician in Pediatrics, Expert in Health Promotion & gender empowerment, Dean of Faculty of Technology and Health Sciences, UM6SS |
A. Brighi | PhD in Education Psychology, University of Bolonia, Italy, Italy |
H. Soubhi | PhD, University of Quebec at Chicoutimi, expert in Public Health, Epidemiology, Health Promotion, and Ecosystemic approaches to health care. Canada |
M. SNAPP | PhD in Psychology, University of Texas at Austin, Practitioner, the National Registry of Certified Group Psychotherapists and American Psychological Association. USA |
B. L. Cody | PhD, Psychologist from University of Texas at Austin, USA |
R. Benjelloun | Physician in psychiatrist, UM6SS |
H. Dehbi | Professional coach, Individual & group intelligence facilitator, Toulouse, France |
M. Hmeid | Engineer Ponts et Chaussé, Director of a multinational, France |
A. Oumazane | MBA, University of South Wales, England, GM of Business Development |
A. Boukharouaa | MBA, MPM, Expertise & Consultancy , Pennsylvania, USA |
O. Belakbil | Psychologist, from American School of Psychology at Argosy University, Washington, DC, practitioner |
Centre Mohammed VI de Formation Continue 2024